How effective is your web presence?

When potential clients search for your services, will your website be the one that grabs them? Is your website welcoming and accessible to everyone, especially those on mobile devices?

If someone needs what you offer, will they be able to find you and learn about your business easily? Responsive and accessible web design is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity.

I help local businesses and groups in my community get seen on the web. I can build a website for you or enhance what you already have. I provide a place for potential customers to find you and learn about your services. Let's connect today!

I'm a Software Engineer based in Long Island, New York

Solving problems is more than just a skill; it's a passion and an integral part of who I am. Whether in professional endeavors or personal pursuits, I approach challenges with an analytical mindset, an innovative spirit, and an unwavering resolve.

My name is Jordan Russo. I'm a Software Engineer who's willing to dig however deep to find an answer, which often leads to eureka moments where I find a solution while I'm jogging, reading articles, solving puzzles, or whipping up a culinary masterpiece.

Let's Connect

Currently, I'm accepting new clients and opportunities to provide value.

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